Tax Advisory

DNA Tax structuring, tax advisory and tax planning division is renowned for its efficient, prompt and forward looking application of the tax laws to suit your circumstances. Due consideration is given to your business plan, future projections and family structures for best results. DNA has worked with numerous small and medium and large multinationals to review, restructure and reset its tax matters in line with Australian tax legislation, rulings and case laws.

Business Restructuring

Businesses need a ‘few small repairs’ much like your home as the tax legislation and business considerations keep changing from time to time. Tax laws and rulings evolve over time. A ‘fit for purpose’ genuine restructure makes your business well suited not only to run your business efficiently but also to take advantage of tax planning aspects. DNA business structures comes with a legal opinion letter from our legal partner that stamps off on your business structure (say a ‘family trust ‘) created by us and validated by external ‘experts’. This gives you an additional level of assurance and peace of mind that your business structures are ‘in compliance’ with legal aspects be it tax or company or trust or partnership laws.

Tax Planning

There is a fine line of demarcation between tax planning and tax avoidance. While the former ‘tax planning’ is legitimate and within the spirit of the intent of tax legislation, the later ‘tax avoidance’ is simply not good ‘tax planning’. Tax avoidance is always caught within the scope of Part IV A of the Australian tax legislation – the general anti‑avoidance rule for income tax. it protects the integrity of our income tax system by ensuring that ‘artificial’ arrangements that have been contrived to obtain tax benefits will fail. Many well intended ‘tax advice’ often gets caught-up within the ambit of the anti-avoidance rule of our income tax legislation.

Small Business Exemptions

Small businesses can access a range of concessions (e.g. small business CGT exemptions) including payment and reporting options. This applies to sole traders, partnerships, companies or trusts. To qualify for these concessions, you’ll need to determine if your business is a ‘small business entity’ for the income year. You must review your eligibility each year. If you are not a ‘small business entity’, you may still qualify for certain small business concessions based on your aggregated turnover.

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